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Internal Control Structures and Business Process Reviews are an extensive list of services that can be provided to clients in Zambia and the East African Region.  3K&L has various tools in place to assist in the review, development and implementation of an appropriate and relevant governance structure. The primary tool used is the Internal Control – Integrated Framework issued in May 2013 by the Committee of Sponsoring Orgranisations (COSO) ©. All rights reserved.

In a snapshot, the framework covers the following areas:


The above five COSO Components on corporate governance are then further broken down into 17 Principles that each organisation has to deal with[1].  In order to provide a tailored and relevant solution, we use these Principles to determine the nature and structure of the assignment.

We highlight that a number of institutions could benefit from the services we provide below. As we demonstrate below, we can carry out reviews on specific areas or on all areas. As such, entities who would like to invest in companies can use our services as an independent and experienced resource to review individual or a combination of reviews.

We also note that such corporate governance services can be of significant benefit to banks and other lending institutions for loans of higher amounts.  An assessment of certain elements of the internal control structures of a borrower gives the lender an independent perspective on the sustainability of the company. While the report is not a guarantee of success, it give clear indicators that shows a higher or lower propensity to succeed.

We set out below the corporate governance principles and how these can be applicable to our target clients in Zambia and the East African region.

[1] Details and additional information can be found on http://www.coso.org/ic.htm
