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Many companies in Kenya, Tanzania, or Zambia not only demand overall management services, but also require assistance with bookkeeping and financial reporting services. 3K&L prides itself in providing a complete service to our clients. We have acquired a relevant licenses for accounting software, which provides significant benefits to the company and to its clients. With dedicated resources, clients can engage us to maintain their books of account on an ongoing basis. Notwithstanding our clients having a different accounting software to ours, we will provide regular reports as required.

In addition to the bookkeeping services, we offer, for a small top up, preparation of financial statements.  With Kimani’s experience, you can be assured to receive financial statements that are in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Zambia Companies Act.

Our professionals can also help you structure and understand your financial information.  We will sit with you and explain what some of the key numbers on your balance sheet and P&L are saying to your banker, investors, customers. With such insights, you can preempt and discussions with potential investors and manage negotiations with customers and vendors. We have over 35 years of combined experience dealing with companies in Africa and Europe. This is invaluable experience when it comes to negotiations, balance sheet structuring and financial forecasting.