It’s passion, not just work!
What are we about as a business?
- Financial advice and negotiations
- Helping with strategy writing
- Signing on new clients
- Expanding our network
- Introducing new services to our portfolio
3K&L has been working closely with a client, providing financial advice in contract negotiations. The company team, has deep experience in dealing with financial matters, and especially, in foreseeing potential current and future pitfalls of decisions being made now. Experience is an important tool to have. It means you can review a situation or a proposal and see how it is likely to pun out. This ‘experience’ is amongst the arsenal we provide our clients. In this case, our client needed someone to review a contract and point out potential financial pitfalls. They also wanted assurances that their interests have been catered for. To work on such an assignment, Kimani had to do a lot of research, reading about similar contracts, potential pitfalls, and areas of concern. He combined that with his knowledge of the current environment to give insights. The process is still on-going, so we cannot say much more about it, but it is going well and the client is very happy!
3K&L has abundant experience in helping write, implement and review strategies. Kimani has been involved in coming up with viable, bankable, workable strategies in the past. This is an area that we believe in pursuing for the betterment of SME’s in Zambia. What better way to start, than to work with an umbrella body that lives to provide such support? Business Development Service Providers Association of Zambia, is a consortium of like-minded people who believe that specialists in business development should play a bigger role in the sustainable growth of the economy. They also subscribe to the school of thought that you achieve more as a team than you do as an individual. With these premises in mind, they are developing a strategy that can bring Business Development service providers together to leverage of each other. Imagine the power of 100+ service providers working together? With expertise from business structures, engineering, production/ factory management, efficiency experts, human resource, etc. That is a powerful tool in the growth of the economy. So when they approached us to help develop a strategy, it was a no brainer.
We will keep you updated on the progress.
Over and above the corporate level work that 3K&L does, we also provide bookkeeping services. We believe that bookkeeping should not be a mundane, boring activity that is done for the sake of it. Talking to various SME’s and Entrepreneurs, the primary reason for bookkeeping is to have a record in support of their taxes. At 3K&L, we believe that bookkeeping is a fundamental necessity of running a business. Our client came to us and asked what we can do. We explained that we offer services of transaction processing, preparation of internal reports, we do reconciliations, and financial statements. They were impressed with what they saw and came back to confirm that we had been selected.
We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with them.
As we continue to grow our business in Zambia, we recognise the fact that the challenges we are working on here are consistent across markets in the East African region. The team also believes that by working across a large number of markets, you get deeper knowledge and wider leverage than focusing on one area. With this in mind, 3K&L is looking to expand into the East African market through partnerships and collaboration. This can only be good news for the staff and clients in Zambia. We open up channels for secondment of our staff to work in Kenya or other East African countries where they can compare and contrast work and social cultures. We also open up the areas of expertise available to our clients in Zambia. With technology, it is possible for consultants in Kenya to comfortably contribute to an assignment in Zambia.
A critical part of our business is to continue adjusting and adapting to the demands of the market. Having engaged with various stakeholders, it is clear that our market still has a shortage of quality, certified auditors. With 3K&L registered with the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants and Kimani holding a practicing certificate, we have introduced External Audit services. In line with our purpose of being a boutique company, we have structured our audit methodology along the same lines. We believe that our audit should start and end with the company and what it is trying to achieve. We want to work with our clients rather than work against them.Obviously as we say that, integrity, quality and ethics are our foundation for success. Auditing and Accounting standards are quite clear about how information should be interpreted and reported. As auditors, it is our obligation to ensure corporate entities comply with those standards. That is an obligation that we would not shy away from.
Contact us for more details about our audit services.
We want you to enjoy sustainable, profitable growth. Please click on the button below to get in touch with an experienced consultant who can tailor a service for you.